My (scared) thoughts on Amnesia
During my search for a good Horror-game for the Wii (Calling), instead I found Amnesia - The Dark Desent (PC).
Well and I have to say, this is the most intense fu**ed-up Horror-survival I have ever played. I played some Resident Evil parts, Doom 3, the Stalker series, Dead Space 1+2 and I thought all of them (especially Stalker) are pretty much rape. BUT there is one big difference between all those games and Amnesia.. you don't have a fucking gun! It's only human flesh vs. claws!
This means you can only run away. Oh I forgot to mention, you have to solve puzzles AND run away.
Meanwhile your vision will get blurry if you're to long in the dark.. you'll hear steps behind you and lots of other disturbing noises.
That's pretty much everything that counts - there's nothing to complain about the graphics or the gameplay, also it's not completly full of scripted shit like FEAR.
So, if you like screaming alone in your dark room, you'll need Amnesia.
Pro tipp: Play alone - loud - headphones - night - extreme dark. (Turn the Gamma down and the Soundvolume up until your pants start getting warm and smelly!)